Make Everyone Explore The Universe (MEET-U)

Zhiqi Huang (

Project status: 1st run done (see the preprint ); now doing 2nd round in order to respond to the referee's question

Probability of DESI 2024 BAO + mock SN + CMB excluding ΛCDM model at a higher significance level is 156 / 12836 = 0.012153318790901;
Probability of mock BAO + DES5YR SN + CMB excluding ΛCDM model at a higher significance level is 607 / 12750 = 0.047607843137255.
Contributors: Jianqi Liu(24812) Zhiqi Huang(238) Guangyao Yu(209) Haitao Miao(146) Yan Su(99) Zhenjie Liu(80) Hui Tong(1) Penghui Dai(1)

MEET-U project #1


Joint analysis of the recently released DESI 2024 BAO + DES5YR SNe + CMB favors dynamic dark energy over the standard ΛCDM model at 3.9σ significance level. See DESI 2024 paper for this story.

In this project we stick to the ΛCDM model and compute how likely the rejection of ΛCDM model can be due to statistical fluctuations in one of the data sets. We replace either the DESI 2024 BAO data or DES5YR SNe data with mock ΛCDM data and see how likely ΛCDM will be rejected at a higher significance level. For instance, if mock BAO + DES5YR SNe + CMB can easily reject ΛCDM at a higher significance level, we may conclude that DESI 2024 BAO can be interpreted as a statistical fluctuation that does not actually contribute to the preference of dynamic dark energy.

how to contribute

Download this package. Extract it. Enter the folder and run the file. It takes about half an hour with a laptop to produce a result.

The output looks like

XXX xxxxxxx xxxxx

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